Monday, October 28, 2013

Holt signed up to BE THE CHEF

A couple of years ago... Ruth Ann bought Holt the "Be The Chef" experience for his birthday.

Today our families got to take advantage and it was awesome that my mom was here to come too!!

T got to hang with his cousins.

think he loves her?

then Holtie had to give it some elbow grease.

This was a collage that Lon put together... Holtie making his grand entrance.

Me n Habbeeeee-Doooooooo

Then my dance partner... LANE!

Our chef's ... William and William (Holt)!

The chefs (Lon loves to cook) kickin' it

all the Moms

final shot from our fabulous waiter and chefs


and a sweet experience (we love you too!!)

Thank you Ruth Ann... and thank you mom for the drinks - it was awesome!


I've always liked Kennedy... I wasn't alive when he was... but still, I've always liked him. Heck, if I had a girl, her name would have been Kennedy!

Today I took my mom to the Texas School Book Depository building.  This is where it all went down...

There are great exhibits and a self guided narrated tour.

this is where it happened... and it was very, interesting, touching, moving.... quite sad.

Very sad.  It was cool though to hear my mom tell her stories because he was her President.  She loved him.

I'm glad I went. I'm not much of a history person until I do something that I can "touch"...

Great, great experience... and even a free giggle as I was leaving.

Glad we went... great information.  GREAT TRIBUTE!  Thanks for coming Mom & Holt!!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Grace Stallions finish the season UNDEFEATED!!!

Go T go!! 

T-man scored 2 goals today!!

Go Grayson

Coach and Tristan

Coach and Grayson

Coach and Cohen

Coach and Charlie


T and Gramma kickin' it after the game

Great job Nugg!  We are so proud of you!!

Halloween Nights at the Dallas Zoo

My Mom and T came to the office so we could go to Halloween Nights

Pretty sure T loved showing off for my office peeps!!  And he got treats from Aunt Connie. Spoiled stinker!!

Entering the Dallas Zoo was pretty awesome.  Everyone was decked out and ready to entertain

Each little area had a trick-or-treat station and you needed a ticket for each one.  T was pretty lucky... he had 18 tickets!  We thought... huh, 18 - maybe 36 pieces of candy... that ought to make him happy!

T checking his loot... and it was a HANDFUL.  I thought... 'that was kind of her'

There weren't many animals out (at night they go in to eat and sleep), but the few that were... I loved!

Grandma helped T get another HANDFUL of treats!  I started to see a theme.  They were giving out mass amounts of candy.  Yeah - wait... it's 6:30pm.... Ugh... T will be on a sugar high!!

Grandma loved the flamingos

more treats!!

then a barn owl. I stared at it while T stood in line for his face painting.  It was beautiful!

You'll notice... I didn't have T's ninja costume done correctly - I did fix it later. Oops

The Children's area was awesome and Tristan LOVED playing and jumping and running...

and climbing...

THEN, they brought out an Opossum. We don't have possums in the US... they are Opossums.  I loved her. I pet her even though she was scared.... she was so sweet.

T was up and getting his face painted.

Imagine this... he wanted a Ninja Turtle!!

then I told him he could pet her, so he did!

then I made Grandma do it.  She wasn't overly excited about it, can you tell?

it was time for the Predator show... so off we went.  Indiana Johnson was the host.  :)


or two!

can't remember what this was

and this was an ant eater... longest tongue I have EVER seen...

then this dude tried to wimp out and not hold the snake. I tried to say I would do it - but he came back.  Darn it!

Then out came and ocelot.  She was so awesome...and fast.  At one point she fell in the water (and could have cared less)

look how high she jumps!  She just learned that trick last week.

THEN............ these............ baby CHEETAHS!!!!


The moment these little cuties came out... I yelled AUNT JEANNE!!!

and then got this shot just for her!

T found his little Captain America friend again and asked to ride the train

Grandma bought him a ticket and off he went!

on the exit... we weren't in Kansas anymore!  holy flying monkey!

I was shocked that T went near him but he did

Glinda was even in her bubble!!

and of course the Wicked Witch

So we were in the home stretch and T wanted to go in the bounce obstacle course.  We let him go for about 10 minutes but it was almost 7:30pm so we needed to grab some dinner and head home.

I told him one more slide, then he could bounce for 5 minutes then time to go.  He never came out.  My mom and I were at the exit.... I saw that no kids were coming out so I went around to the back (this thing was huge) and found out one of the kids were scared so there was a back log... so all the kids finally started coming. No T.  I searched. Nothing. I asked. Nothing.  Tristan. Was. GONE.

My heart sank. My mom looked so scared. We both prayed.  We were in a huge open field.  I ran to the puppet stage. Not there. I ran to the bounce house, not there.  I looked at Trick-or-Treat stations, not there.  He wasn't anywhere.

I ran to those working and asked for their help. SOMEHOW I kept it together. I ran to the bounce house and asked if she had seen him.  All of the sudden, I spotted my little ninja.  I screamed at him to come out.  I told him I thought I lost him and that my heart was broken. His sweet little face turned so sad and said "Mommy, you told me I could go down the slide one time and then bounce for 5 minutes.  Mommy, you told me to."  After holding back I kissed him, a few tears slid down my face and I told him to go bounce for 5 more minutes.  The moment he was out of site... I cried.

My mom comforted me, and I was thankful that he was lost and scared and screaming for me.  He was perfectly fine.  When he came out we talked about Mommy ALWAYS knowing where he is.  Our saying is, "If Mommy can't see you, it's NOT OK".  I said "I DID tell you that you could bounce...BUT Mommy needs to know when  you are done so I can come and watch.  I want to take pictures and know that you are ok.  This is a big place and there are some bad people in the world.  You are a very sweet boy and many people would love to have you in their family but you are in OUR family (trying no to make him a scared kid in this evil world).  I then reminded him... if ANYONE other than your family picked you up and started walking.. you SCREAM - THIS IS NOT MY MOMMY, THIS IS NOT MY DADDY... and scratch their eyes out!"  LOL... I was a little emotional but dead serious... THIS is why I don't watch the news.

So all ended well, we finished trick-or-treating and he had a BAG FULL OF CANDY.  We had one ticket left and I mentioned him having enough candy so my sweet boy went and gave a ticket to another child.  Very proud mama.  So we got in the car, headed to grab dinner and then home.

I cried myself to sleep. Cried at work the next day... I NEVER want to feel that again and sadly... knowing him... he'll run off again.  Just part of Tristan but you can bet your buns that I will be chatting with him.  I'm tempted to write my name and number in black sharpie across his forehead.

Ok, ok... I'm over the top I know.  I love you T............. more than you can imagine.  If my mom weren't there... I probably would have had a nervous breakdown!  Thank you Mom!!