Tuesday, February 12, 2013

I love more than....twenty seven six four three...

Every night T and I have a little thing we do.  I tell him

"Man, when I woke up today, I couldn't BELIEVE that I loved you more than I did yesterday!"

"Ya know how much I love YOU Nugg!?"

"How much Mommy!?"

then those big blue eyes just wait....

I say something along the lines of:

"Twenty trillion, million, billion, past all the planets and the stars... up to heaven...and back"

He says "WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOA.... Know how much I LOVE YOU Mommy!?"

I look at him with great expectation... "HOW MUCH NUGG!?"

"Twenty seven six four three, (looking around the room) curtains, bed, books, puppy, lamp, wall, toothbrush, Simba, floor ...and back!"

I am then SHOCKED at this MASSIVE amount of love that my little four year old has mustered and he is thrilled with the look of joy spread across my face.

I mean ... have YOU ever been loved "Twenty seven six four three, (looking around the room) curtains, bed, books, puppy, lamp, wall, toothbrush, Simba, floor ...and back?".......

Then... we hug, I give him Eskimo kisses, butterfly kisses and my own made up elephant kisses and we say goodnight.

THOSE are the moments worth living for.

1 comment:

  1. I love it and I'm smiling big time....wonderful mommy/child moments are so awesome....love you, Julie and Tristan
    p.s. How much do you love grandma, Tristan???
