Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Reversing Litter.... 10 pieces as a time

Daddy had a great idea.... every Tuesday when we walk the dogs, we will each pick up AT LEAST 10 pieces of litter....

People looked at us a little strange...

and Tristan just squealed with delight every time he found "glitter" (his way of saying litter)

So I kept reminding him it's L-ITTER... LITTER.. not glitter

and he laughed...

So we compared bags with Daddy

Sure did get a lot (I know it doesn't look it but we did)

and it felt good... to do something so small.

We DID something... did you?

1 comment:

  1. Since I'll be there in a few days, I'd be glad to go pick up glitter/litter with my Barbers....I'm so proud of you and what you teach Tristan....
