The boys played outside....
Holt rode around in his 'ride'
we played inside...
the fur kids even went on a hike... well MY fur-kids did cuz Boo and Murph don't always come back
tough boys
and CUTE couple
wild man...
and Holt gave Sue snake guards for Christmas. Well, he gave them to JJ (they have a ton of copper heads) but JJ asked us to wrap 'em up and give 'em to Sue so she would garden again.
Smart, smart man.
Kinley and Kev finally made it... and things started rolling
HUGE crab legs
and laughing
and then 11:00pm CST and BOOM! HAPPY NEW YEARS!!
we clinked glasses, gave smooches, called family... then the 2 kids that managed to stay up passed out and the older boys hit the hot tub. Sue and I... well, we complained how cold it was and then went to bed.
Heck, As was still tired this morning. It's TOUGH guarding people all night long!
I hope everyone had a great 2013 but quite frankly... I've had a few rough years. 2014 is gonna be our year, I can just feel it!!
Gonna focus on family, quality friends and less stress. I read this and just loved it.
Gonna pour into my 'twelve' in '14!!
Happy New Year!!!!
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