Saturday, December 28, 2013

Christmas Eve - Midnight Mass

The family waaaaas going to go... but mom and I were the only ones that could make it!!

I forgot to post these...

we got there at 11pm... yes, an HOUR early but we wanted a good spot!  We got a GREAT ONE!!

then we saw people starting to walk in and we wanted a heated seat!  So in we went!!
We cracked a lot of jokes, smiled a lot and I think I finally convinced my Mom that Jesus wouldn't care.  He WOULD care that we were celebrating his day, that we DO love him and that we love to giggle!!
the manger was so beautiful... bad picture but it was beautiful

Thanks for bringing me Mom, it was great spending time with you and making another giggle memory!!!
I got my Catholic on too boy!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Ya Ya fun!!

We arrived at Jen's with some sleepy... shy... children.
Then.. about 7 minutes passed and it was game on!
The big kids played with the littles and it was ON!
Luke tied up by Griffin

David getting the smack down from Reese, Lucy and T

Me and Bodie

Kiddos all being silly

Jen and Holtie

this would have been so great but I "red-eye corrected" and now the kids look shot!!
L --> R
Luke Parker, T, Reese Paleczny, David Paleczny, Brooke Paleczny
Troy Parker, Tristan, Lucy Levine and Griffin Levine
The Ya-Yas (minus Chris and Lis)


Doug even made Ya Ya food!!

Then we did a little video... telling the other two where we chose for our trip this year...
NASHVILLE!!  Plus, I get to plan - they picked me again....
I wonder why!?  LOL
Can't wait!!!

Snow fun!!

Uncle John stopped by for a quick hello... T looooooves Uncle J
then it was time to get Grandma's walkways cleared!
But first....
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere's Johnny!
That is our 12' (ok fine 12") snowman.  Doesn't he look huge!?  I mean he's towering over the car!!
His face is made of tic tacs and walnut pieces.... greatness!!!  Great job Holt!
T and Daddy shoveled - and loved it!!

You'll have to look on YouTube for sledding videos... we had SO MUCH fun!!

Here's Gramma

Watch the fun here!! Sledding on YouTube

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Merry Christmas everyone!!

T was up early and we were ready to head to Aunt Kelly's!  We got a text from Santa... he had stopped at Aunt Kelly and Uncle Lee's!!

We hit the stockings first and Daddy stole Zach's mustache.  Funny thing was - he wore it upside down and it looked like he had a bat on his face!

Grandma got forks in her stocking... those are for when she comes to Dallas because she hates our forks!


T likes Z... a lot

Z was all decked out in the underwear cap we gave him and his new 'stache and glasses!

Solara spreading Christmas cheer with T

I didn't take nearly enough pictures (bummer) but I was busy living in the moment, so I guess that's a great excuse.
Great Christmas, great fun - great family!!
The real reason for the holiday... Jesus.  We read the Christmas Story before we went to bed, talked about WHY we celebrate.  Something we will have to enforce for years to come.
Happy birthday Jesus. You are the BEST gift we could EVER receive!!!!
Thank you to all my NY family.  We had SUCH an awesome Christmas!!!

He put his "Tristan" on the wall!!

Well, T finally "made it"... he signed the bathroom at Poolsie's house!

Give us a lift Ya Ya Tracy!!

There it is!

Great seeing the Poole's!!  My OTHER family!

Christmas Eve fun

My beautiful Mama and her chocolate martini

Santangelo's family shot (well - one side of the table)

then Z took a shot of T... and then gave him a beard.  Greatness.  My 5 year old turned into a 50 year old!!

I was very proud of my little man, it was time to almost go and I asked him if he wanted to "RACK" people. He said one or two.  So we bought some of the treats they were selling and brought them to two random people at two tables around us.  They loved it and so did he!!

He saw that I had more sheets so he said... "MOMMY!  Let's buy more stuff!!" He gave one to a man sitting down waiting to be seated and the guy was in shock.  Then, the hostess came up and told us that he had just returned from the hospital and Tristan renewed his Christmas spirit!"  it was so sweet! 

We were up front buying his last few treats... and a woman came up and told him that she wanted HIM to have a special treat for being so kind!  He then hugged her and she said she made his Christmas!   Then Uncle Lee gave him money too.  Man, that wasn't planned... it was SO sweet!!!

Made Mama, Grandma and Daddy really proud.  Love you T man, way to share Christmas spirit!!  We kind of blew making this Christmas about Jesus.... kind of bummed about that BUT... I guess if we do our best DAILY... that matters!!!

Christmas Eve Eve

SNOW! Tristan was pretty darn excited!!

Then T came in for the "breakfast of Italian Champions"
pizza fritte, sausage and donuts!!

Then Z dog stopped over to say hi!!
So nice that everyone is home!!

Aunt Trisha and Uncle Mike's house

Mom headed up to Auntie T's and then Uncle Mike came and picked us up at the airport.

T and I have a game of "I'm going to hug "x, y, or z" before you.  It's fun... and the competing is what he thrives off of.  So when I spied Uncle Mike... I said "I get to hug him first!!!!" Of course... he won!  It's sweet, he makes everyone so happy.

Upon getting to Auntie T's... Gramma was there, Auntie T was there AND Christine, Nick and Sophia!

We had a really nice dinner... then, everything got crazy!  nick challenged me to a one-armed push up... I got up... but going down was... well, pitiful!  Aunt Trisha even joined in!!

Tristan just loooooves Aunt Teen, Sophia and Nick... I mean to the point that he was running around, hugging them and telling them he loved them!!

I love this shot....

I can't believe I didn't get T and Uncle Mike!
They were off to see Daddy Lamont (he couldn't come - bummer!) and then we got the little man in the bathtub and then to bed.
In the morning, T got a SPECIAL breakfast from Aunt Trisha!

It was time to head out... much to do in Auburn. First stop... SANTA!!

Same store, different Santa... the line only had 3 people in it... WAY easier than Dallas!!

Its off to NY!!

Well, Sam drove us to the airport very early and we are off to NY and we are on time!

See Mom, all that worry for nothing!  :)

I saw this and it cracked me up... so very true

Here we go to NY!!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

A Barber/Coggeshall (early) Christmas

Sam and his little Bro - Unkie!!

The very tall Barber clan

I taught Bebah and Aunt Sue how to do the Suzie Humphreys' pose

they were not good students

 time for gifts



and thank you hugs...

then bedtime stories

and morning snuggles


too sweet

 when it was time for all to go

to was sad... but thankful

he loves his family!
Merry Christmas Barbers and Coggeshalls... we're off to NY!!
Love you and thank you for everything!!!