Thursday, December 19, 2013

Tristan's class Christmas party

Grayson said the prayer for the party...T peeked!

then they were released!

T's table... little cuties!

We provided the craft.... cut me some slack.... we weren't allowed to bring glue or glitter

Cohen bedazzled his all by himself!

Mia and her Mommy (this is the sweet little face T taught a naughty word too!)

then Maggie's Mommy did story time

school was released and I headed back to work.  T man kicked it with Bebah...

65 and sunny.... great day!!!

Now... time to pack for NY!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting as always, Julie.....You do such a great job of documenting what's going on. Looks like Beebah and Tristan and having a good time....I want to play !!! See you in a couple of day, little buddy...
